
Trucking & Transportation Attorneys in Rancho Cucamonga, California

Receive the representation you need with Transportation Attorneys. Based in Rancho Cucamonga, California, our trucking, transportation and logistics law firm serves clients and corporations throughout California.


Is your contract compliant with the latest federal and state regulations? The contract you have with your owner and operator is your first line of defense—make sure that it is bulletproof. Our contracts are trial-tested, meaning that they have been put to the test in the court of law and have prevailed.

We review your current agreement and fix any flaws, or you can purchase a new contract through us. For a set price of $2,500, you receive owner-operator, management, independent contractor, and lease back agreements. In many cases, not having one of these is the reason you will lose in court.

Semi-Truck, Trucking Attorneys in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Contact our law firm at (951) 609-5028 in Rancho Cucamonga, California, to speak
with our experienced transportation attorney regarding your agreements.